
University of Waterloo Sep.2021 ~ Dec.2022 | Waterloo, Canada

  • M.Eng. student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Relevant Coursework: Artificial Intelligent System Design (Python), Distributed System (Java)

Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Sep.2017 ~ Jun.2021 | Shanghai, China

  • Honors B.Eng., Computer Science | Minor in Economic Statistics
  • Relevant Coursework: Machine Learning (Python), Database (SQL), Data Structure (Java), Statistics


  • Languages: Python, Java, R, JavaScript
  • Frameworks & Libraries: NumPy, pandas, scikit-learn, Matplotlib, PyTorch, Hadoop
  • Databases & Tools: MySQL, Neo4j, MongoDB, Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, Navicat, Git, Linux, Excel, Power BI


Guotai Junan Securities Co., LtdQuantitative Analyst InternDec.2019 ~ Mar.2020 | Shanghai, China

  • Visualized changes in quantitative metrics by Excel and conducted quantitative weekly reports
  • Utilized WIND and iFinD data terminal to collect data of A-share listed companies and used multiple linear regression to verify the significance of the related factors. Wrote the report “The Negative Impact of Tax Avoidance on Companies”

VeChain TechData Analysis Intern Apr.2019 ~ Oct.2019 | Shanghai, China

  • Acquired 100K+ transaction information with MongoDB, deployed the automatic script to clean, analyze and visualize the raw data using Python, and made weekly reports
  • To identify the abnormal transactions, classified and labelled the digital currency accounts via kNN based on transaction frequency and amount characteristics, reaching an accuracy of 92.4%


Analyzing the Mortgage Loan Market in NebraskaPython Oct.2021~ Nov.2021 | Toronto, Canada

  • Analyzed loan data with over 50 features which is extremely class-imbalanced provided by Fannie Mae. Using SMOTE to oversample the minority class data
  • Provided the investment strategies for for Great Lakes Midwest Bank. Selected Credit Score and Debt to Income Ratio as the main factor using Random Forest to minimize the risk of default loan

CONVSET Enterprise Information WebsitePython, SQL, JavaScript, Neo4j Mar. ~ Jun. 2021 | Shanghai, China

  • Crawled the information of all A-share listed companies from relevant websites. Designed and maintained the database on Amazon RDS with MySQL and display the stock information by ECharts
  • Utilized Bi-LSTM-CRF model to recognize the named entity and extracted the features of the executives. Storage the features by Neo4j and visualized the executive network by D3.js on the website

Product Launch Analysis Based on Amazon ReviewPython Mar. 2020 | Shanghai, China

  • Used Latent Dirichlet Allocation to extract the commodity characteristics discussed in 50,000 comments, and drew the word cloud
  • Quantified the emotional tendency in the reviews by byte-level multiplicative LSTM trained on Amazon reviews. Studied which product functions are more popular with consumers
  • Won Honorable Prize in Mathematical Modeling Contest of American College Students (Top 15%)

Involvments and Awards

  • Volunteer at the Food Bank of Waterloo Region Jan 2023 ~ Now | Kitchener, Canada
  • Volunteer of Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery Feb 2023 ~ Now | Kitchener, Canada
  • Mathematical Modeling Contest of American College Students, Honorable Prize (Top 15%) May 2020 | Shanghai, China
  • China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, 1st Prize (Top1.4%) Nov 2018 | Shanghai, China