Git Tutorial

Yancy 2023-04-14

interactive tutorial:

about branch

#list all the remote and local branch
git branch -a
#new a branch xxx
git branch xxx
#switch to a branch
git checkout xxx
#new and switch to a branch
git checkout -b xxx
#switch branch b to branch a
git branch -f b a

merge and rebase

git merge xxx
git rebase xxx
#更改提交记录顺序为c4 c3 c2
git cherry-pick c4 c3 c2
git rebase -i HEAD~4 #弹出交互面板进行调整

about HEAD

#isolate the HEAD 
git checkout xxx[the hash of the dot]
(<commit>|HEAD)~n = (<commit>|HEAD)^^^…(^的个数为n)

about remote

git fetch origin a:b
git pull --rebase origin a:b 
git cherry
git commit --amend
git log

about modifying and repeal

git reset [file]
# 重置当前分支的指针为指定commit,同时重置staging,但workplace不变
git reset [commit]
# 重置当前分支的HEAD为指定commit,同时重置staging和workplace,与指定commit一致
git reset --hard [commit]
# 暂时将未提交的变化移除,稍后再移入
git stash
git stash pop